What to consider when pursuing male breast surgery

Gynecomastia is an increase size in male breasts. It can be a psychologically and emotionally debilitating problem for men. Many men avoid wearing tight shirts and are self conscious at the gym or swimming pool.  Gynecomastia is caused by significant weight gain, changes in hormones, body building steroids and other types of medication.


Gynecomastia correction involves liposuction of the fatty components. This method lives minimal scaring because fat is removed with a cannula in a few millimeter incision.  In more severe cases of gynecomastia the procedure includes both liposuction and direct excision of extra skin and fat. This method removes both hanging skin and fat, but will leave a longer scar. A compression vest will be worn for 6 weeks to help swelling go down. This procedure can be very satisfying and can boost self-esteem.

Contact Dr. Chen to schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss an individualize treatment plan, 858.255.1538.