Breast Implant Illness

Authored by: Charlie Chen, M.D

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 

What is breast implant illness (BII)?

In some women, symptoms have been related with breast implants, including health problems such as: fatigue, weight fluctuations, joint pain, depression, sleep disturbance, rash, photosensitivity, chills, hair loss, chest pain, headaches, anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), and fever. While research is ongoing on whether breast implants directly cause these symptoms, you know your body the best. You have the right to an en bloc implant removal procedure if you believe it is right for you. As Plastic Surgeons who place implants into your body, it is equally important to be able to remove them as necessary.

An en bloc implant removal entails removing the implant and capsule in one piece. This is a meticulous process in which every part of the capsule is removed, including parts that may be adherent to your chest wall. The contents of the breast implant and the capsule are then sent off to pathology for further analysis, including testing for bacteria, fungal infections, and cancers markers.

What is the post operative course like?

After surgery, you will have drains to collect any fluid that may fill up the breast space. A compression garment will also be used to collapse the previous implant space. The contents of removal will be examined by pathology, the results which may take one week to return. Also, Dr. Chen may also prescribe you antibiotics and antifungal medications to ensure we are treating potential infections.

How will I know if removing my breast implants will cure my symptoms?

There are no tests to help diagnose breast implant illness, but having your breast implants removed can help assess whether they were the cause of your symptoms. While BII patients may report improvement of symptoms once the implants are removed, there is always a chance that your symptoms may persist.

Complimentary Consultation

Dr. Chen is committed to treating the whole patient. He is dedicated to ensuring every meticulous step is taken to addressed your needs.  Contact our office to schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss if en bloc capsulectomy and implant removal is the right decision for you, 858-255-1538.